You can build second-layer networks on top of DigiByte such as #DigiAssets, Lightning Networks, ICOs, Tokens, assets and more.
You can build second-layer networks on top of DigiByte such as #DigiAssets, Lightning Networks, ICOs, Tokens, assets and more.
DigiByte was originally based on a fork of the Litecoin casebase (Though, a 100% independent blockchain with unique Genesis Block). DigiByte has since maintained closer features with Bitcoin, while also significantly innovating and surpassing it. You can see the code at:
When DigiByte launched, there was a count-down to the release of the code, and to the first block being mined. This was one of the things done to encourage a "fair" distribution, right from the very beginning in 2014.
The most popular Core Digibyte Wallet so far was our 6.14.2 release, with 200,000 downloads.
When all DigiByte have been mined, the network will continue to function with the miners / securing the network as they do at present. They will only get the transaction fees from sending $DGB.
DigiByte can be used for Atomic Swaps with other blockchains safely and securely since the implementation of SegWit in early 2017. There is no need for a second layer network to perform this and it can instead be done directly.
The last DigiByte will be mined by the year 2035. There is less than half of all remaining $DGB waiting to be mined by anybody in the world. These are not "owned" by anybody, unlike an ICO, and will be newly "minted".
The development of DigiByte is done by a worldwide team of volunteers, who all donate their time out of a love for the project. There is not central company employing and paying people, it's all given freely by our incredible developers and supporting community.
Digi-ID by DigiByte is one of the simplest yet most secure authentication methods in the world. Even Google recommends not using their own time-based 2FA codes or SMS-2FA, but Digi-ID overcomes all the shortcomings. Digi-ID is free & ad-free (forever), private & secure.
DigiByte has wallets for Windows, MacOS, Linux, Raspberry Pi, Android, iOS and even Chrome OS. We are also supported on several dozen other 3rd party & hardware wallets, each unique from the others. is a collection of facts about the DigiByte Blockchain. This website is made voluntarily and free of charge by abteilung83 | starbase11 as a member of the global DigiByte Community. DigiFacts shall help newcomers with their research about blockchain technology and crypto-world, especially with the DigiByte Blockchain.
See the, the DigiByte Foundation and the Awareness Team for further information.
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